View of the house from through the forest showing two waterfalls.
The house seems to grow organically out of the rock, the cantilevered levels symbolically resonating with the ledges below. The stream (Bear Run) flows roughly parallel to (and partly under) the house, but breaks at an angle away from the house at the falls, creating an impression of water flowing out from right under the middle of the house. The sound of the flowing water fills the house continually. For more views like this, see Fallingwater pictures: fall photo (medium-sized only), or Fallingwater from lookout and others, or go to Fallingwater Photos: Thumbnails Preview.
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What are these grounds and this house? Acres of rock and acid earth, second-growth trees and icy streams, roughly cast in the Appalachian mold - and something more: a place of vigorous beauty, of self-renewing enchanatment, of adventuresome picturesqueness that answers perfectly a romantic need in modern hearts, the need to be natural, to experience nature not as grist for our mills but as the habitat that has formed us.
      Designed for this setting, the house was hardly up before its fame circled the the earth; it was recognized as one of the clearest successes of the American genius Frank Lloyd Wright.

- Edgar Kaufmann, Jr., Fallingwater: A Frank Lloyd Wright Country House, p. 65.

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