NDCA American Rhythm
Ballroom Dance
Click on a link above to go directly to that dance syllabus.
Cha Cha
- Basic -- Chasse Basic
- Passing Basic -- Progressive Basic
- Promenade Break -- 5th Position Breaks
- Open Break
- Open Break with Underarm Turn
- Cross-Over with Underarm Turn Ending
- Cross-Over with Apart Turn Ending
- Outside Breaks Forward
- Outside Breaks Backward
- Peek-a-Boo -- Stop and Go / 2 Way Underarm Turn / In and Out Turns
- Single Cuddle
- Double Cuddle -- Parallel Breaks / Shadow Breaks
- Cross Body Lead
- Half-Turn Chase
- Cross-Over Chase
- Full-Turn Chase
- Allowed Figures at Bronze
- Basic Back Spot Turn -- not continuous
- One measure of back spot turn w/wo open break
- Parallel (Shadow) Position Breaks -- w/wo foot change for man; no foot
- 2 Way Underarm Turn (In and Out Turns, Stop and Go)
- Without syncopations
- No foot flicks
- 3 Cha Cha Chas -- in open facing position only
- Crossover Variation
- Single crossover
- Double crossover
- Crossover to back rock (5th position)
- Crossover with side rock on counts 4-1
- Swivel and Cross-Over
- Roll-Away to Back Drop -- Paseo
- Surprise Break
- Triple Cha Cha Cha
- Rhythm Changes A, B, C
- Counter Zig Zag
- Kick Breaks
- Swivels to Pull Back
- Circle
- Two Way Spot
- Restrictions for Silver
- No side by side work. Including no entrances.
- Shadow or parallel position work is confined to recognizable figures
(e.g., Cha Cha Twinkles, Samba Shadow Voltas)
- No exotic rhythm changes. Changes in rhythm in recognizable figures
only (e.g., &23 on breaks in Cha Cha)
- Anything choreographic will be disqualified -- this distinction will
be determined by the judges
- Restrictions for Gold
- Advanced figures are allowed
- Apart work for no more than 4 measures of music (e.g., side by side in
Cha Cha)
- Obvious choreography is not permitted. If the partners can dance the
material together (lead and follow) it is permitted. If the partners are
clearly dancing material on their own it is choreography.
- Basic
- Forward and Backward Breaks
- Sideward Breaks
- Outside Breaks Forward
- Outside Breaks Backward
- Forward Rocks
- Backward Rocks
- Basic with Underarm Turn
- Promenade Breaks -- 5th Position Breaks
- Open Break
- Cross Body Lead
- Cross Body Lead to Cuban Walk
- Forward Spot Turn
- Backward Spot Turn
- Right Underarm Turn
- Left Underarm Turn
- Allowed Figures at Bronze
- Basic Back Spot Turn -- not continuous
- One measure of back spot turn w/wo open break
- 2 Way Underarm Turn (In and Out Turns, Stop and Go)
- Without syncopations
- No foot flicks
- Parallel (Shadow) Position Breaks -- w/wo foot change for man; no foot
- Promenade Walks
- After 5th position rock in PP
- 2 measures; Promenade Close
- Reverse Underarm Turn from Open Break
- Cuban Walk with Cross-Over
- Cross-Over
- Rhythm Changes A, B, C
- Roll Away
- Wraparound
- Snap Turn
- Cuban Walk with Underarm Turns
- Counter Promenade Chasse
- Shadow Breaks
- Spot Turn
- Restrictions for Silver
- No side by side work. Including no entrances.
- Shadow or parallel position work is confined to recognizable figures
(e.g., Cha Cha Twinkles, Samba Shadow Voltas)
- No exotic rhythm changes. Changes in rhythm in recognizable figures
only (e.g., &23 on breaks in Cha Cha)
- Anything choreographic will be disqualified -- this distinction will
be determined by the judges
- Restrictions for Gold
- Advanced figures are allowed
- Apart work for no more than 4 measures of music (e.g., side by side in
Cha Cha)
- Obvious choreography is not permitted. If the partners can dance the
material together (lead and follow) it is permitted. If the partners are
clearly dancing material on their own it is choreography.
- Basic Step
- Open Break
- Underarm Turn Lady's
- Underarm Turn Gentleman's
- Tuck-In with Underarm Turn
- Tuck-In with Free Turn
- Double Tuck-In
- 8-count Basic in Place
- 8-count Basic Turning
- 8-count Basic with Open Break
- 8-count Variation
- 8-count Underarm Turn Left
- 8-count Underarm Turn Right
- Sugarfoot -- Chicken Walks
- Simple Sugar Push
- Turning Sugar Push
- Circle Swivel -- Whirlwind / Continuous Open Tuck In
- Peek-a-Boo -- Stop and Go / 2 Way Underarm Turn / In and Out Turns
- Allowed Figures at Bronze
- Reverse Wrap (Reverse Sweetheart)
- Reverse Underarm Turn for lady to head loop (Curl, Miami Special)
- Mooch (simple kicks in side by side)
Under no circumstances mistake this style for "lindy hop".
- Kick Ball-Change
- Shoulder Spin
- Toe Heel Spin
- Lindy Variations
- Promenade Walks
- Back to Back Swivel
- Swing Hop
- Lindy Whip
- Swing Slide
- Kick Breaks
- Restrictions for Silver
- No side by side work. Including no entrances.
- Shadow or parallel position work is confined to recognizable figures
(e.g., Cha Cha Twinkles, Samba Shadow Voltas)
- No exotic rhythm changes. Changes in rhythm in recognizable figures
only (e.g., &23 on breaks in Cha Cha)
- Anything choreographic will be disqualified -- this distinction will
be determined by the judges
- Restrictions for Gold
- Advanced figures are allowed
- Apart work for no more than 4 measures of music (e.g., side by side in
Cha Cha)
- Obvious choreography is not permitted. If the partners can dance the
material together (lead and follow) it is permitted. If the partners are
clearly dancing material on their own it is choreography.
- Preparation
- Basic
- Passing Breaks -- Progressive Basic
- Basic Breaks Forward/Backward
- Side Breaks
- Promenade Breaks -- 5th Position Breaks
- Open Break
- Open Break with Underarm Turn
- Cross Over
- Outside Breaks Forward
- Outside Breaks Backward
- Forward Spot Turn
- Backward Spot Turn
- Cross Body Lead
- Underarm Turn Left
- Cuddle -- Parallel Breaks / Shadow Breaks
- Chase Half Turn
- Chase Full Turn
- Allowed Figures at Bronze
Note: Rhythm must be 2-3, 4-1
- Basic Back Spot Turn -- not continuous
- One measure of back spot turn w/wo open break
- 2 Way Underarm Turn (In and Out Turns, Stop and Go)
- Without syncopations
- No foot flicks
- Parallel (Shadow) Position Breaks -- w/wo foot change for man; no foot
- Reverse Underarm Turn from Open Break
- Side Breaks (Cucaracha)
- Crossover variations
- Single
- Crossover to back rock (5th position)
- Crossover with side rock on count 4-1
- Closed and Open Box Step
- Cross-Over and Swivel
- Swing Mambo
- Promenade Swivels
- Surprise Break
- Double Spin
- Kick Tap
- Whip Turns
- Swivels to Pull Back
- Half Time
- Restrictions for Silver
- No side by side work. Including no entrances.
- Shadow or parallel position work is confined to recognizable figures
(e.g., Cha Cha Twinkles, Samba Shadow Voltas)
- No exotic rhythm changes. Changes in rhythm in recognizable figures
only (e.g., &23 on breaks in Cha Cha)
- Anything choreographic will be disqualified -- this distinction will
be determined by the judges
- Restrictions for Gold
- Advanced figures are allowed
- Apart work for no more than 4 measures of music (e.g., side by side in
Cha Cha)
- Obvious choreography is not permitted. If the partners can dance the
material together (lead and follow) it is permitted. If the partners are
clearly dancing material on their own it is choreography.
- Basic
- Open Break
- Fifth Position Break
- Cross Over Break
- Cross Body Lead
- Lady's Underarm Turns to Left and Right
- Free Walk Around Turn from Cross Over
- Side Passes Left and Right
- Restrictions for Silver
- No side by side work. Including no entrances.
- Shadow or parallel position work is confined to recognizable figures
(e.g., Cha Cha Twinkles, Samba Shadow Voltas)
- No exotic rhythm changes. Changes in rhythm in recognizable figures
only (e.g., &23 on breaks in Cha Cha)
- Anything choreographic will be disqualified -- this distinction will
be determined by the judges
- Restrictions for Gold
- Advanced figures are allowed
- Apart work for no more than 4 measures of music (e.g., side by side in
Cha Cha)
- Obvious choreography is not permitted. If the partners can dance the
material together (lead and follow) it is permitted. If the partners are
clearly dancing material on their own it is choreography.
Go to the
NDCA American Smooth Syllabus.
Return to the
Main Ballroom Dance Page.
International Style Syllabae and Routines:
Visit the webmaster,
Stephen Wright.
Off-site Links:
The University of Maryland, College Park Ballroom Dance Club:
BAM (Ballroom at Maryland).